The club has received a donation of a former member’s collection of wargames figures and the committee have decided to put them into a blind auction, open only to SESWC members, with the proceeds going to our nominated charity, SSAFA The Armed Forces Charity. Any of the figures that don’t sell in the auction will be sold at the Claymore Fleamarket
Some of the figures are based on 3mm MDF, virtually all are chipped and some have bent weapons, some need shields or spears. Most are metal and painted. A lot are gloss varnished.
Reserve price for each lot is noted below and is roughly based on 20p a figure for 28mm and 15p for 20mm with cavalry, chariots and vehicles being a bit more. .
To make a bid on any of the lots in this auction send an email specifying your bid to before 12 midnight on Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024.
The lots in the auction are as follows.
Lot 1 28mm ECW Scots: 217 foot, 3 guns. Renegade, Bicorne, Perry, Foundry, Warlord and ? Minimum bid £40.Lot 2 28mm Ancient British: 53 foot, 18 cav, 4 chariots. Foundry, Gripping Beast and Warlord. Minimum bid £20.Lot 3. 28mm Ancient British: 53 foot (same as lot 2) , 18 cav, 4 chariots. Foundry, Gripping Beast and Warlord. Minimum Bid £20.Lot 4 28mm Greek hoplites: 175 foot. Victrix, Foundry, Immortal, Gripping Beast and 1st Corps? (About half plastic) Minimum bid £30Lot 5 28mm Roman Imperial: 161 foot, 14 cav. Foundry, Warlord and Gripping Beast cav. Minimum bid £35. Lot 6 28mm Roman Republic: 47 foot. Agema plastic. Minimum bid £10.Lot 7 28mm French Indian War: 123 foot , 93 French 30 British. Galloping Major? Minimum bid £25.Lot 8 28mm Jacobite Rebellion: 200 foot 2 cav, 84 government 118 Jacobite. Flags of War, Front Rank and unknown. Minimum bid £40. Lot 9 28mm Hundred Years War (Azincourt): 108 foot 19 cav. Front Rank,Perry metal and plastic. Minimum bid £30.Lot 10 28mm Hundred Years War: 108 foot 19 cav as above. Minimum bid £30.Lot 11 28mm Zulu War British: 122 foot 7 cav 9 obstacles 1 wagon. Redoubt, Perry metal and plastic. Minimum bid £25.Lot 12 28mm Zulu War natives: 99 foot. Reboubt, Foundry, Warlord plastic and Perry metal and plastic. Minimum bid £20. Lot 13 28mm Zulu War natives: 99 foot as box 12. Minimum bid £20. Lot 14 28mm Zulu War natives: 99 foot as box 12. Minimum bid £20. 15 28mm American Civil War: 145 foot 10 Confederate cav 1 gun with caisson and 8 crew, flags, 10 dismounted cavalry 4 mounted commanders. Units – 5×16 Union3x16 Confederate. Redoubt, Dixon, Foundry and Perry(a few plastic). Minimum bid £30. Lot 16 28mm American Civil War: 145 foot 10 cav others as box 15. Minimum bid £30. Lot 17 28mm American Civil War: 145 foot 10 cav others as box 15. Minimum bid £30. Lot 18 28mm American Civil War: 20 Union cav 6 Union foot skirmishers 2 guns 13 crew. Perry plastic and Foundry. Minimum bid £10.19 20mm WWII Allies: 4 Shermans 1 halftrack 3 carriers 7 jeeps 2 A/T guns 101 foot, half Brit inf half American para. Some jeeps are metal other vehicles are plastic with crew. About 30 foot and 2 jeeps unpainted. Drews and FAA. Minimum bid £20. Lot 20 20mm WWII Allies: 3 Shermans 2 half tracks 3 carriers 7 jeeps 2 A/T guns 95 foot. About 45 foot and 2 jeeps unpainted. Vehicles as 19. Drews and FAA Minimum bid £15. Lot 21 20mm WWII German: 2 Tiger 1 Pz IV 2 Stug 2 Marder 2 Hannomag 3 vehicles 1 A/T gun 104 foot ( half plastic half metal some unpainted Fallschirmjager) also vehicle crew. plastic and FAA 1 or 2 vehicles are metal. Minimum bid £20. Lot 22 20mm WWII German: 2 Tiger 2 Pz IV 2 Stug 3 Hannomag 1 A/T gun 3 vehicles 80 foot and vehicle crew. plastic some vehicles are metal. Drews, FAA and plastic 1 or 2 vehicles are metal. Minimum bid £15. Lot 23 20mm WWII German: 1 Tiger 1 Panther 2 Pz IV 2 Stug 3 Hannomag 1 A/T gun 4 vehicles and M/C combination 65 foot SS about half plastic and vehicle crew. Drews FAA and plastic 1 or 2 vehicles are metal. Minimum bid £15. Lot 24 20mm WWII German: 1 Jagdpanther 1 metal 8 Rad 1 metal jeep 8 metal German foot 3 metal American GI. Minimum bid £3.